Professor Rosabelle Boswell, Executive Dean of the Nelson Mandela University Faculty of Arts and anthropologist, is fascinated by cultural diversity and has done field research in Mauritius, Zanzibar, Seychelles, Madagascar and South Africa. The topics of her research include tourism, heritage, gender, race and social justice. Her research has resulted in the publishing of three books on the islands of the southwest Indian Ocean, one training manual, 12 peer-reviewed articles, seven other articles, and four book chapters. She has presented papers at several national and international conferences. Taking the role of principal investigator for the Moments in Time guides, she adds that she learned “that everyone shares the same fears, hopes and dreams. I was lucky to grow up in a place where there were vivid and diverse expressions of social existence.”


Jessica, an ambitious academic and ethnographer, is a PhD candidate at Nelson Mandela University, with interests in the underlying social and cultural aspects of murder, gangsterism, social development, and heritage. Taking on the role of project manager for the Moments in Time project, she draws on the discipline of social anthropology to better understand the human causes and motivations that influence culture, heritage and liberation. Jessica feels that “one of the best things about working with such a large and diverse group was that we could positively influence the lives of those who we encountered on the travels”.


Living with a philosophy that if people are involved, we need to dig deeper to find the humanity and fight to keep the person’s dignity intact, Ryan is a developing researcher in the areas of sociology of gender, heritage, memory and nostalgia. He has extensive teaching experience in both the TVET and Higher Education sector. He acts as a trustee at the South End Museum and supports a more inclusive pedagogy to enliven human rights. Ryan is currently reading towards his Research MA in gender and the construction of masculinity in South Africa. He currently holds the position of Project Coordinator in the Office for Institutional Planning.


Ongama, an emerging researcher within the Faculty of Arts following 11 years industry experience in industrial development, local government and community development, is currently a PhD Candidate in the Department of Political and Conflict Studies at Nelson Mandela University. He has a specialist focus on South African politics, political economy, international relations, political theory and concepts, and heritage. Working as a senior researcher for the Moments in Time project, Ongama is passionate about socio-economic development and heritage in the Eastern Cape.


Rebecca holds a Degree in Fine Arts. She is currently working towards a Master’s Degree looking at the human to animal relationship. She was known as the “creative director” an ongoing joke between the individuals on the team. Rebecca was the project’s photographer, illustrator, and graphic designer. She added colour to the team through her love for music, photography, graphic design and her warm personality. “It’s such a simple meal. It’s getting together as a family, sharing oneness, our customs and heritage.” ~Ruth Glazier


As a creative contemporary freelance photographer for the Moments in Time project, Luke has always had an interest in the abnormal aspects of life - the things that create controversy and provoke humans to move beyond conventional ways of thinking. He aims to capture those characteristics of life in his work by creating a visual representation of such abnormalities. He has always had a deep passion for capturing natural beauty with the help of ambient light. Luke adds that colour is not the most important part of photography for him - capturing the human soul as well as the soul of any object, is what drives him to do what he does; a constant journey of discovery through the lens of his mind and his soul.


Currently pursuing her Master’s in Sociology with a particular interest in the role of “black tax” in the social dynamics of black families and its influence on breadwinners, Andiswa undertook the responsibilities of intern researcher for the Moments in Time project.


Phila Dyantyi is a student at Nelson Mandela University, doing his Master’s in Sociology. He also holds an Honours in Sociology and a Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of the Free State. His area of research interest is rural sociology, particularly rural urban migration and social dynamics. Phila has worked on the Moments in Time project as a research assistant. He has been part of the primary data collection on liberation and heritage in the Eastern Cape. As an emerging researcher, he has added a lot of dynamism to the project. “If you cut your chains you free yourself. If you cut your roots you die.” ~African Proverb


Siphokazi’s undergraduate training majoring in History and Political Sciences at the University of South Africa and Honours in Political Science at Nelson Mandela University has shaped her thoughts coupled with her experiences to arrive at the questions she poses today both to herself and her colleagues. Currently enrolled in the History Department at NMU, she has developed a keen interest in Pan-Africanist Discourse and is at present engaging in questions around Black Theology, African Religion and Spirituality. She performed duties as an intern researcher for the Moments in Time project.


Grace, a lover of sports and music, is currently studying at Nelson Mandela University towards a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Geography and Anthropology. A member of the Nelson Mandela University Choir, she has represented her country in song and dance in Argentina, China and Macau. She worked as an intern for the Moments In Time project and was tasked with capturing information and the stories of locals in the field. “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Lukhanyo, an aspiring academic who holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science, and an Honours in Political Science, is currently finalising his MPhil in Conflict Management and Transformation with the intention of pursuing his Doctorate soon after. In his own words, he is “characterized by the enigmatic ‘juxtaposed reality’ purported by the post-apartheid South Africa democratic project where socio-economic imbalances, racism, and patriarchy are definitive to one’s daily struggle”. As an intern researcher for the project, he collected critical fieldwork data which added value to the final product.


After discovering her artistic talent at primary school and having a keen passion for the visual arts, Olwethu enrolled for a National Diploma in Photography at Nelson Mandela University. After graduating, she worked for Digital Brothers which is currently known as Pro Rental, and worked alongside photographers such as Ant Strack, Paul Cocks, Antonia Steyn and Glen Montgomery. Currently employed at Nelson Mandela University in the School of Governmental and Social Science, Olwethu often uses that platform to photograph Faculty of Arts events in order to regain exposure and experience.


Carl Pieterse, also an intern researcher on the Moments in Time project; is currently completing his Honour’s in Psychology. Besides well-timed puns, Carl’s role in the team was as one of two drivers and navigators for the trips. He was also the troupe’s jokester and questioner, always looking deeper and keeping things light when the team grew tired on their long journey.


Christian Scallan is a multi-disciplined creative with his list of natural talents including music production and graphic design. Christian studied sound technology at Damelin, which gave him the knowledge and skill set to work with creative software and technologies. Christian worked on the Moments in Time project as an assistant designer. His technical skill set and applied creative mind greatly contributed to the project through ideas that made the design process run more efficiently whilst keeping a creative flow.